Occurred to me again last night.
Although he didn't set the world on fire last night, is there a more exciting ball player to watch at bat or running the bases than Juan Pierre?
"[A] man . . .the other day pointed out that I was never bored. I hadn’t thought of that before, but it’s true: I’m never bored. I’m appalled, horrified, angered, but never bored. The world appears to me so infinite in its variety that many lifetimes could not exhaust its interest. So long as you can still be surprised, you have something to be thankful for." -Theodore Dalrymple
Occurred to me again last night.
So, John, how did that military wedding you mentioned last week go?
Next time you're at a Highland Games in Australia
More Bad News: Just in Time for Veteran's Day
Decisions, Decisions
Clear Creek
St. Teresa of Avila
More Traditional Liturgy
Cardinal George Backs Traditional Liturgy
More Cubs
9 October is the fourth day in the Novena to St. Teresa of Avila.
Arnold Will Fix It All For Us
Newspaper Commits Error!
Idiotic Worker's Comp Claim Not Made in California
More Baseball
Serendipity: Found While Looking for Something Else
8 October is the third day in the Novena to St. Teresa of Avila.
Pipe Band of the Day
I probably should explain the Cubs reference below.
"I just don't want a governor whose behind I've seen."
More Fun in California
The L.A. Times -- Wholly-owned Subsidiary of the Davis Campaign
Our Lady of the Holy Rosary
Terri Schiavo
1 October