Monday, May 29, 2017

The Twenty-ninth of May . . .

. . .  which is Royal Oak Day, sometimes called Oak Apple Day.

The tune is an old English jig called "The 29th of May" and commemorates on this day the restoration of the Monarchy after the Cromwellian devastation.  The 29th of May was chosen as it was the birthday of King Charles II.

A bit more here, together with some judicious links with further explication.


Saturday, May 13, 2017

Blessed Fr John Sullivan, S.J.

The Irish Jesuit Fr John Sullivan, S.J. was beatified in Dublin today.

There is a website dedicated to him here.

The beatification ceremony is on youtube here.  Very novus ordo.  {{sigh}}  And it's very long; say 3 hours plus.  But the homily is worth a listen.  It starts at about the 2 hour and 15 minute mark and lasts a touch  over a quarter of an hour.  (If you want to see the whole thing the first hour and ten minutes consists of a fellow fiddling with the camera and then an hour of colour bars and silence.  So start about 1:10" in.)

He sounds like a good and saintly man who deserves the honors of the altar.

St Julian of Norwich

Her feast day is today, May 13th, in some local calendars.  She was never formally canonized and is sometimes only Blessed Julian.  The good old Catholic Encyclopædia tells what is known of her here.

Her "Revelation of Divine Love" as it's called is on the web somewhere in its entirety.  (I've lost the link and I'm being summoned right at the moment by She Who Must Be Obeyed.  Google will find it for you no doubt.  Or maybe I will later.)

Addendum: And so I did.  It's here.  And there are a couple other versions on line, too.  But this should do to start.
