Walsingham Farewell?

Not yet. Deo volente. The Anglican Use parish in the heart of Houston, Our Lady of Walsingham, plans to hold their regular services this weekend, which coincides with their patronal feast.
Our Lady of Walsingham (September 24)
O God, who through the mystery of the Word made flesh didst in thy
mercy sanctify the house of the blessed Virgin Mary, and wondrously
place it in the bosom of thy Church: grant, that being made separate
from the tabernacles of sinners, we may become worthy to dwell in thy
holy house; through the same Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord, who
liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, ever
one God, world without end. Amen.
Blessed Lord, through the intercession of thy blessed Mother,
sanctify and protect the homes where thy people dwell.
Saint Mary, Pray for us.
Saint Anselm of Canterbury, Pray for us.
Saint Rita, Pray for us.
Saint Eurosia, Pray for us.
Saint Medard, Pray for us.