
Last Sunday was Septuagesima Sunday so Lent is practically on our doorstep. No more Alleluia or Gloria in Excelsis for a couple of months.
Here's what we said about Septuagesimatide and the farewell to Alleluia a few years ago.
"[A] man . . .the other day pointed out that I was never bored. I hadn’t thought of that before, but it’s true: I’m never bored. I’m appalled, horrified, angered, but never bored. The world appears to me so infinite in its variety that many lifetimes could not exhaust its interest. So long as you can still be surprised, you have something to be thankful for." -Theodore Dalrymple
Did you see the press coverage of the March for Life this year?!?
Interesting article here in this morning's OC Register.
Stan Musial and Earl Weaver: two baseball names to conjure with and both gone in one weekend.
Christopher Howse in The Telegraph:
In his tremendously entertaining new book, How England Made the English: From Hedgerows to Heathrow, Harry Mount mentions the effect of climate on the fenestration of churches. Big windows in hot countries would fry the people at Mass, he says, so they made them small.
Labels: Crystal Gazing
Someone cited this a couple of days ago and I've forgotten who it was. (If it was you, thank you.) It's a nice appreciation of the communion rail from a permanent deacon who has not been accused of traditionalist recidivism lately:
Frankly, we should not only be humbled, but intimidated enough to ask ourselves if we are really spiritually ready to partake of the sacrament. Kneeling means you can't just go up and receive without knowing how it's properly done. It demands not only a sense of focus and purpose, but also something else, something that has eluded our worship for two generations.
It demands a sense of the sacred. It challenges us to kneel before wonder, and bow before grace. It insists that we not only fully understand what is happening, but that we fully appreciate the breathtaking generosity behind it. It asks us to be mindful of what "Eucharist" really means: thanksgiving.
You know what is extraordinary? Well, yes, that too. But what I had in mind was the people with no thought of God one way or the other but who have a very definite and detailed - complete with furniture - belief in heaven. It wouldn't be quite correct to call them agnostic. That would imply that they'd given the matter some thought. But heaven is definitely there and everyone they know and like is definitely there also.
Labels: Eschatology without anxiety
TCM had a Charlie Chaplin movie on a bit ago. I didn't watch it. Confession: I find Charlie Chaplin extraordinarily boring. Always have. He does some interesting, um, acrobatics I suppose you'd call them. But they aren't funny.
Another of the old Anglo-Saxon saints is commemorated today, St Sæthryth, 2d Abbess of Faremoutier-en-Brie.
Princess Saethrith was the daughter of King Anna of East Anglia by his first wife of unknown name. Like her younger half-sisters, Sexburga, Etheldreda, Withburga and Ethelburga, she became a nun. This was after being educated with the latter by St. Fara at the nunnery in Faremoutier-en-Brie in France. She later succeeded her teacher as the second abbess there. She died on 10th January sometime in the late 7th century.
You're welcome, Charlie Stuart,
You're welcome, Charlie Stuart,
You're welcome, Charlie Stuart,
There's none so right as thou art.
1. Had I the power, by my will,
Thy foes to scatter, take and kill,
I'd make thee famous by my quill,
From Billingsgate (*) to Duart (*).
2. Thy sympathising complaisance
Made thee believe intriguing France;
But woe is me for thy mischance,
That saddens every true heart!
You're welcome, Charlie Stuart, etc.
3. Hadst thou Culloden's battle won,
Poor Scotland had not been undone,
Nor butchered been with sword and gun,
By Lockhart (**) and such cowards.
You're welcome, Charlie Stuart, etc.
4. Kind Providence to thee a friend,
A lovely maid, did timely send,
To save thee from a fearful end,
Thou royal Charlie Stuart.
You're welcome, Charlie Stuart, etc.
5. Illustrious prince, we firmly pray
That she and we may see the day,
When Britons with one voice shall say,
"You're welcome, Charlie Stuart."
You're welcome, Charlie Stuart, etc.
6. Whene'er I take a glass of wine,
I drink confusion to the swine,
But health to him that will combine
To fight for Charlie Stuart.
You're welcome, Charlie Stuart, etc.
7. Though Cumberland, the tyrant proud,
Doth thirst and hunger for thy blood,
Just Heaven will preserve the good,
The gallant Charlie Stuart.
You're welcome, Charlie Stuart, etc.
8. The ministry may Scotland maul,
But our brave hearts they'll ne'er enthral,
We'll fight like Britons, one and all,
For liberty and Stuart.
You're welcome, Charlie Stuart, etc.
9. Then haste, ye Britons, to set on,
Your lawful king upon his throne,
And to Hanover drive each one,
Who will not fight for Stuart.
You're welcome, Charlie Stuart, etc.
Labels: Qui regis partibus studet