May 30 -- St Joan of Arc

St Joan never quite made it to the general Roman calendar, not in the Roman Rite and not in Archbishop Bugnini's Novus Ordo. But she's in the French calendar and in several other local calendars. And that seems a missed opportunity. Here we have a saint written about by Bernard Shaw and idolized by Mark Twain. She's had half a dozen films made of her life and at least one opera. There was even a short-lived and not too objectionable TV series that punned on her name and used her "voices" as an inspiration. In short, one of the handful of saints that everyone, Catholic or not, knows of. And she can't make it to the general calendar.
When I can locate my old Diurnale I will put up some of the proper hymns for her feast. Very patriotic if you're French. Gallia vivat.
Found it.
For 1st Vespers
First the Latin:
Stat cultrix vigilans pauperis hortuli,
Annorum tredecim parvula, ni sciens,
Primas docta preces, præ sociis pia,
Simplex, mitis et innocens.
Orantem Michaël Angelus edocet,
Quam claræ parili lumine virgines,
Virtutum meritis conspicuæ simul,
Crebris alloquiis fovent.
Dum voces superas excipit, expavet;
Sed, fidens Domino, fortior in dies,
Parens imperiis, pro patria libens
Castam se vovet hostiam.
Mox dulces socias et patriam domum,
Et cum matre patrem iussa relinquere,
Miles facta Dei, quo vocat Angelus,
Fertur nil trepidans eques.
Qui terras statuit, gloria sit Patri:
Qui gentes redemit, gloria Filio:
Sancto Spiritui gloria, qui pias
Et fortes animas facit. Amen.
The English:
She carefully cultivates her poor garden; she is but a child of thirteen, knowing but the usual prayers, but so pious, simple, meek and innocent.
While at prayer, the Archangel Michael teaches her; two illustrious virgins, equal in splendor and virtue encourage her in frequent conversations.
On hearing these heavenly voices, she fears; but, little by little, fortified by divine grace, she obeys their orders, and as a chaste victim, willingly devotes herself to her country.
Out of obedience, she leaves her dear companions, her birthplace, her father and mother, and, become soldier of God, she leaves on horseback, without fear, for the place where the Archangel summons her.
Glory be to the Father, who created the earth; glory be to the Son who redeemed all nations; glory be to the Holy Ghost who maketh souls to be pious and courageous. Amen.
For Lauds:
Hostium victrix, properante cursu,
Carolum ad sanctam comitaris ædem,
Ut triumphantem sacra rite signet
Unctio regem.
Gaudio fundens lacrimas, Ioanna,
Principi plaudis : Domino rependis
Debitas grates, retinesque dexta
Nobile signum.
Erigens longa populum ruina,
Mira fecisti, generosa virgo:
Iure te nostræ patriæ parentem
Sæcla vocabunt!
Sed manet maior meliorque merces:
Te novus poscit labor et triumphus:
Te Deus mittens, dabit ipse vires
Atque coronam.
Qui dedit presso populo salutem,
Laude ter sanctum Dominum colamus,
Semper ut tantæ meritis patronæ
Gallia vivat. Amen.
The English:
After the victory, hastening thy steps thou dost accompany Charles, triumphantly, to the venerable Cathedral, so that according to custom, with holy oil, he may be anointed king.
With tears of joy, O Joan, thou dost congratulate the prince; holding thy noble banner in thy hand thou dost render fitting thanks to God.
Liberating the people from their long captivity, thou hast worked wonders, O generous Virgin! With every right will the ages proclaim thee the mother of the nation.
But a better and more beautiful recompense awaits thee. A new labor with its triumph summons thee: God in entrusting it to thee, will give thee courage and also the crown.
Let us offer our praise to God, who has delivered his oppressed people, and by the merits of this holy patroness, may France live forever. Amen.
For Second Vespers:
Salve, virilis pectoris
Virgo, Patrona Galliæ!
Tormenta dira sustinens,
Christi refers imaginem.
Voces supernas audiens,
Iesu repleta lumine,
Dum fata pandis patriæ,
Silent parentque iudices.
Oppressa flammis clamitas
Iesum, crucemque fortiter
Amplexa, ad Ipsum simplicis
Instar columbæ, pervolas.
Choris beatis Virginum
Adscripta, cives adiuva:
Te deprecante, singulis
Detur corona gloriæ.
Sit laus Patri, sit Filio:
Sancto decus Paraclito,
Qui corda amore sauciat,
Vires et auget languidis. Amen.
The English:
Hail O courageous Virgin! Patroness of France. Thy sorrowful passion recalls to our minds the image of Christ.
Instructed by heavenly voices and filled with the light of Jesus, thou dost unveil the destiny of thy Fatherland, before thy silent and terrified judges.
Surrounded with flames, thou dost invoke Jesus: and embracing the cross, energetically, thou dost fly to him as an innocent dove.
Thou, who art now among the blessed choirs of Virgins, succor thy compatriots; may all through thy prayers, receive the crown of glory.
Praise be to the Father! Praise be to the Son. Glory be to the Holy Comforter, who wounds hearts with the fire of his love, and strengthens souls who are weak. Amen.
The translation is from my Diurnal. I suspect there is a proper hymn for Matins that tells the story of her battle victories. But I don't have a copy of the propers for Matins so the hymns for the day hours will have to do.
And finally the collect for her feast:
Deus, qui beatam Ioannam Virginem ad fidem ac patriam tuendam mirabiliter suscitasti: da, quæsumus, eius intercessione; ut Ecclesia tua, hostium superatis insidiis, perpetua pace fruatur. Per Dominum. Amen.
O God, who in wondrous wise didst raise up blessed Joan for the defense of her faith and her country: grant, we beseech thee, through her intercession, that thy church, overcoming all the wiles of her enemies, may enjoy unceasing peace. Through our Lord. Amen.