Some Piping for the Weekend
Dublin's St Lawrence O'Toole Pipe Band playing their medley in the 2009 World Championship competition in Glasgow. Leading off with The Girl from Dungannon, usually a slow air but this time a hornpipe.
"[A] man . . .the other day pointed out that I was never bored. I hadn’t thought of that before, but it’s true: I’m never bored. I’m appalled, horrified, angered, but never bored. The world appears to me so infinite in its variety that many lifetimes could not exhaust its interest. So long as you can still be surprised, you have something to be thankful for." -Theodore Dalrymple
Hot today but not the brutal heat predicted. One is grateful. Tomorrow, says the weather predicting thingummy on my mobile phone, will be even cooler. For a very long time one hopes.
There is a blog bearing that title here. It seems to be living up to its name. Well worth a visit. I've added it to the blogroll on the left in a couple of useful categories.
Mrs Vidal points out that the papal response to the Anglican traditionalists was made on 20 October, the feast of St Paul of the Cross: "For fifty years he prayed for the conversion of England, and left the devotion as a legacy to his [spiritual] sons." More here.
Something like. Almost.
With the preparation of an Apostolic Constitution, the Catholic Church is responding to the many requests that have been submitted to the Holy See from groups of Anglican clergy and faithful in different parts of the world who wish to enter into full visible communion.
In this Apostolic Constitution the Holy Father has introduced a canonical structure that provides for such corporate reunion by establishing Personal Ordinariates, which will allow former Anglicans to enter full communion with the Catholic Church while preserving elements of the distinctive Anglican spiritual and liturgical patrimony. Under the terms of the Apostolic Constitution, pastoral oversight and guidance will be provided for groups of former Anglicans through a Personal Ordinariate, whose Ordinary will usually be appointed from among former Anglican clergy.
So says this report in Dr Moynihan's periodic letter.
The Seaside Games were great fun. Wonderful cool weather right beside, co-incidentally enough, the seaside. A nice handful of pipe bands and some good music. L.A. Scots was guest band but no competition for them. G-IV had Blandford, Pasadena, UCR, Gold Coast [a new-ish band local to Ventura], Salt Lake City, and Nicholsons. G-III's competition was between Blandford's and LA Scots' grade III ensembles. A couple of parade bands, George Hall's Black Watch band and the L. A. Police Emerald Society were also there.
We will be at the Ventura Seaside Highland Games this weekend. They have a website here if you're interested. So there may not be any more posting until Monday or Tuesday. I'll see what I can do from the pda, but as we have pointed out before, thumb typing is not my favourite thing to do. The thing is, I'm used to touch typing and I'm pretty good at it. The fingers can keep pace or not be too far behind the thoughts. With thumb typing I forget half of what I wanted to say. Not always a bad thing, to be sure. Saves a world of editing.
. . .but my headline-creating juices seem to have dried up.
Seriously. It seems SNL may have used [shock! horror!] exaggeration in poking a little fun at The Sainted One. CNN rushes to correct any misconceptions.
It's as if CNN and the St. Petersburg Times are trying to reinforce the impression that they are in the tank for Obama.
. . . .than why is the amendment embodying that provision continually stonewalled and not brought to the floor?
That is just what Mr. Stupak [a Democratic congressman from northern Michigan] is trying to do with an amendment to the health-care legislation would explicitly ban federal funding for abortion. Here's the problem: His own party won't let him bring it to the floor for a vote. It's a replay of earlier this year, when the leadership blocked a similar Stupak effort on a financial appropriations bill that ended up removing restrictions on D.C. taxpayer funding for abortion.
"The most frustrating thing is we go to the Rules Committee, they smile and say 'thank you,' and then we're left at the door," says Mr. Stupak. "At least give us a chance to let people debate and vote."
The effort to suppress Mr. Stupak's amendment is particularly ironic given the pledges Speaker Nancy Pelosi makes in her manifesto "A New Direction for America." In this document, she asserts that "no Member of Congress should be silenced on the floor." She also calls for a "full amendment process."
Last week Mr. Stupak, 24 other Democrats and 158 Republicans sent the speaker a letter asking her to make good on that pledge. Members of the House, they said, should have the "right to vote their conscience on an amendment offered by Congressmen Stupak and [Joe] Pitts [R., Pa.] regarding government funding for abortion."
The annual novena to St Teresa of Avila begins today.
The old come-all-ye of the same name implied that it couldn't be done.
But it defies reason to believe that we can add millions to the system, require insurance of people with existing conditions and diseases, without paying a great deal more. Protestations that we will save the money by eliminating fraud and waste are never credible: if that can be done, do it first, show the savings, and spend the savings on health care reform. I note that this is never seriously proposed.
And they never catch wise...
Guardian Angel
. . . .go for a sail. After a short respite, we're back into the 90s. Hotter than the hinges of hell as my grandfather used to say. Not sure why the hinges of hell should be hotter than any other part of it, but it does have a rhythm to it. So more pictures of water from last week for no other reason that I enjoy looking at them in this heat. (The pictures are enormous on Firefox; specifying "small" in the loading software doesn't help. But Opera presents them in a reasonable size, although if you want humongous you can click on them and achieve same. No idea what happens using Mickey$oft's Internet Exploder.)
The solution to Honduras's political problems: the Blessed Virgin Mary.
In the past three months, a slew of Latin American presidents, foreign ministers, ambassadors and even a Nobel Peace Prize winner, have failed to find a solution to the political standoff that has split Honduras. Now, many despairing Hondurans say, may be time for a little divine intervention.
So every day, more and more Hondurans are calling on the Virgin of Suyapa, a 3-inch statuette of the Virgin Mary, made of dark wood and nicknamed La Morenita, or the Little Dark One, for help. Over the centuries, La Morenita, which was found on a hillside in 1747 and now makes its home at a small whitewashed colonial church near the capital, has been credited with sundry miracles, from curing kidney stones to ending a brief war.
Today is the feast of St Therese in the Pauline Rite. As usual, EWTN has an archive of excellent material. No need for The Inn to try and reinvent the microchip. Click here for as much as you could wish for on Sr Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, O.C.D.