The Inn at the End of the World
"[A] man . . .the other day pointed out that I was never bored. I hadn’t thought of that before, but it’s true: I’m never bored. I’m appalled, horrified, angered, but never bored. The world appears to me so infinite in its variety that many lifetimes could not exhaust its interest. So long as you can still be surprised, you have something to be thankful for." -Theodore Dalrymple
Monday, March 16, 2009
Salva nos, Domine! Perimus!
O Mary, God's own Mother,
Pray for our native land;
And ye, O Saints and Angels,
Around the throne who stand;
Pray for our darkened country,
That faith may live again,
That Jesus in His Sacrament
At last supreme may reign!
"What earlier generations held as sacred, remains sacred
and great for us, too, and it cannot be all of a sudden
entirely forbidden or even considered harmful."
-Pope Benedict XVI
"If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us; but if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
-1 John 1: 8-9
The Golden Arrow
The Holy Man of Tours The link is for an e-book. Apparently TAN no longer keeps a hard copy in print. However, has several from assorted publishers, most of which are unknown to me.
The Secret of the Holy Face: The Devotion Destined to Save SocietyThe link includes an almost hour long interview with the author, Fr Lawrence Carney.
September 24
Patroness of the Ordinariate of the
Chair of St Peter
O God, Who, through the mystery of the Word made flesh, didst in Thy mercy sanctify the house of the Blessed Virgin Mary: do Thou grant that we may keep aloof from the tabernacle of sinners, and become worthy indwellers of Thy house; through Jesus Christ Thy Son our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.
Health Advisory
In the event of an inadvertent overdose of Vatican news, click here and follow directions.
[“On the barque of Peter, those with queasy stomachs should keep clear of the engine room.”
-Msgr Ronald Knox]
St Thomas Becket, Archbishop & Martyr
Ant. This Saint hath striven for the law of God even unto death,
and hath not feared for the swords of the ungodly; for he hath been
founded upon a firm Rock.
The men of the East may spell the stars,
And times and triumphs mark,
But the men signed of the cross of Christ
Go gaily in the dark.
The men of the East may search the scrolls,
For sure fates and fame,
But the men that drink the blood of God
Go singing to their shame.
+ + + + + + +
But you and all the kind of Christ
Are ignorant and brave,
And you shall have wars you hardly win
And souls you hardly save.
I tell you naught for your comfort
Yea, naught for your desire,
Save that the sky grows darker yet
And the sea rises higher.
Night shall be thrice night over you,
And heaven an iron cope.
Do you have joy without a cause,
Yea, faith without a hope?
from The Ballad of the White Horse
-G. K. Chesterton
The Anglican Ordinariates in the Catholic Church
The Anglican Ordinariate in the Catholic Church has now been established in North America for over ten years. For several years prior this space on the left-hand column of The Inn has been dedicated to the Pastoral Provision, or "Anglican Use", parishes and supporting websites. These parishes and societies were in union with Rome and were under the jurisdiction of their local Roman Rite bishops. But as of 1 January 2012 Pope Benedict XVI has provided that Catholic parishes and communities in the Anglican tradition will have their own Ordinary and their own diocesan-like structure to gather round. (The Pastoral Provision structure still exists as of this writing - 8/12/2022 - but includes only one parish so far as I can tell.) The Ordinariate of the Chair of St Peter - the official title of the North American Ordinariate - also includes parishes in Canada. There is also an Anglican Ordinariate in England and Scotland - the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham - and one for Australia, New Zealand and perhaps elsewhere called the Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross. The following are a selection of links to further explore the Catholic Anglican patrimony. And, yes, I realize I am very naughty for continually referring to it/them as "Anglican" Ordinariate(s). Apparently the Powers that Be prefer some other term that I cannot bring to mind at the moment. But hereabouts we have called it Anglican Ordinariate since day one or even before that. And as those of you who frequent these premises already know, I don't change easily.
The following are a selection of links to further explore the Catholic Anglican patrimony.
Anglicanorum Cœtibus the papal document establishing the Anglican Ordinariates (in English)
Complementary Norms - more details from the Vatican on the new Anglican Ordinariates
The Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St Peter (for the U.S.)
Decree of Erection of the Ordinariate of the Chair of St Peter
The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham (for the U.K.)
The Ordinariate in Scotland
Ordnariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross
Peregrinations - a Canadian view of the North American Ordinariate
The Portal Magazine
Anglicanorum Coetibus Society (was:"The Anglican Use Society"
The Daily Office - a bit out-of-date but still useful
The Daily Office - approved for use in North America
The Anglican Use Pastoral Provision
All Saints Sisters of the Poor - Anglican heritage but possibly still diocesan?
The Tunbridge Wells Ordinariate Blog
Fr Hunwicke's Mutual Enrichment
St John Henry Newman Catholic Church, The Ordinariate community in Orange County, California
Holy Martyrs of England & Wales, Murrieta Calif
Our Lady of Grace, Covina Calif
St Augustine of Canterbury, San Marcos Calif
St Athanasius Anglican Use Community in Boston, Mass
The Congregation of St Athanasius
Our Lady of the Atonement Catholic Church
Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Church - OCSP Cathedral
St. Mary the Virgin Catholic Church
The Collect for the Anglican Use
O Holy Ghost the Lord, Who on Pentecost gavest the Church the gift of tongues that Christ might be known, loved, and served by peoples of divers nations and customs: watch over the Anglo-Catholic heritage within Thy Church, we pray Thee, that, led by Thy guidance and strengthened by Thy grace, that heritage may find such favour in Thy sight that its people may increase both in holiness and number, and so show forth Thy glory; Who livest and reignest with the Father and the Son, ever one God world without end. Amen.

The best tea in the world? Haven't tried them all. But, so far, yes.
Carmelites of the Holy Face - a tiny new traditional Carmel, tucked away in County Cork
Traditional Carmelites in the Diocese of Oakland
The Carmel on Mt Carmel
Fountain of Elias
The Rule of St Albert
The Infant Jesus of Prague
Holy Mother Teresa of Jesus
St John of the Cross
St Therese of the Child Jesus [of Lisieux]
St Titus Brandsma, O.Carm.
Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity
St. Teresa-Margaret (Redi) of the Sacred Heart
St. Teresia-Benedicta a Cruce
St Peter Thomas
Carmel of Jesus, Mary, & Joseph (Nebraska)
The Carmelite Order - History
The Carmelite Martyrs of Compiegne
The Discalced Carmelite Province of St Joseph (California-Arizona Province)
Carmel of Jesus, Mary, & Joseph [Fairfield]
Ven Carmelite 3d Order of Campos, Brazil
Site des archives du Carmel de Lisieux
A Gallimaufrey of Weblogs. . .
. . .which I find enjoyable. It would be very rash of you to infer that I agree with everything in each of them. Even rasher to assume that they all agree with me. And, yes, some of these folks haven't posted in a long time . . . years, in fact. Call it nostalgia if you like but I intend to keep the links up. Maybe they'll post again some day; I miss them.
Aliens in this World
Andrew Cusack
Atonement On Line
Cælum et Terra primum
Cælum et Terra secundum
Chesterton & Friends
(A)Conservative Blog for Peace
Crazy Stable
Creative Minority Report
Dignare Me Laudare Te, Virgo Sacrata
Dyspeptic Mutterings
Fountain of Elias
Fr Ray Blake's Blog
Fr Z's blog,also still occasionally known as WDTPRS
Hallowed Ground, bowed out of blogging some years ago but note the links to illustration sources
(The) Hermeneutic of Continuity
In Haught Pursuit
Irenikon the Skete
Irish Elk [arichive only these days; vide "The Jury Box" infra for further adventures]
Jerry Pournelle, R.I.P.--- but his relatives occasionally repost some of his wisdom
Jihad Watch
(The) Jury Box, alas moribund since 2015, but we live in hope
Man With Black Hat
McCain's Corner
Medieval Church Art
National Trust Scones, wherein the blog owner reviews the scones served at the Tea Room of every National Trust Property. Now admittedly one has to be in the U.K. and not here in partibus infidelium to take full advantage of this information. But a very good read anyway. And who knows? Maybe one day . . . .
New Amsterdam Perennialist
[The] New Liturgical Movement
Oblique House
Once I Was a Clever Boy
Orwell's Picnic
Oxford Events (Weblog of the LMS Chairman)
Psallite Sapienter
Random Jottings of a Book and Opera Lover
Recta Ratio
Rorate Cæli
Tea at Trianon
[The] Thousandth Time
Transalpine Redemptorists
Video meliora, proboque; deteriora sequor
Vultus Christi
What Does The Prayer Really Say?
What's Wrong With the World?"
One might infer from this selection of links that I believe "Liturgical Regeneration" is going to come principally, if not exclusively, from a restoration of the traditional Roman Rite. Such an inference would be largely correct. However, see also the Anglican Ordinariate links above.
The Traditional Roman Rite

Sancta Missa Learn to say/serve/attend the traditional Roman Mass
"Altar Cards" - and more for the Traditional Roman Rite Mass.
International Federation Una Voce
Una Voce - U.S.A.
Una Voce of Orange County
The Latin Mass Society of England & Wales
LMS Chairman - Weblog of the LMS Chairman
The Latin Mass Society of Ireland
Latin Mass Chaplaincy in the Archdiocese of Dublin
Una Voce Scotland
Una Voce delle Venezia -- Masses and spiritual activity in the north east of Italy
Institut du Bon Pasteur
The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter
The Institute of Christ the King
The Institute of St. Philip Neri
Benedictines of the Immaculate
Monastery of Our Lady of the Annunciation ["Clear Creek"]
Abbaye Sainte-Madeleine du Barroux
Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem
Coalition in Support of Ecclesia Dei
The Canons Regular of the Mother of God
Transapline Redemptorists
Fraternity of St Vincent Ferrer (a community of men upholding the Dominican tradition)
The only daily Mass in the traditional Roman Rite in Orange County [Well, not quite daily right now as they try to get a new priest.]
Society of St Pius X
Gregorian Chant - every imaginable chant resource is linked here
Reform of the Reform I don't hold much hope for this movement; the internal contradictions seem insurmountable. I wish them well and no one will be happier than I if they succeed; but no one will be more surprised either.
Give them a look anyway; they have many interesting things to say.
Adoremus Society
Latin Liturgy Association
Association for Latin Liturgy [UK]
Sailing to Byzantium
Introduction to the Eastern Rites of the Catholic Church -- a very useful summary
Irenikon the Skete - not pdated in many years; where are you Mary?
Holy Resurrection Monastery, one of the few Eastern Catholic monasteries in the U.S.
St Benedict and Byzantium in one monastery
St Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church – a beautiful little parish in Los Gatos, CA
The Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Phoenix
The Byzantine Catholic Church in America – an unofficial website with much information about the Pittsburgh Metropolia
Annuciation Byantine Catholic Parish in Anaheim, CA
The Melkite Church in America
Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St Nicholas in Chicago
Byzantine Catholic Daily Prayer and Lectionary – a rich source of prayer taken from the Byzantine liturgy
A very belated thanks to Dave Brown for that last link; a gateway to a vast amount of information and inspiration

A few good links, should you share an interest - not to say an obsession - with the pipes. (And, yes, I'm aware the pic shows an Irish warpipe.)
A Patron Saint for Pipers?
The Western U.S. Pipe Band Association
Alliance of North American Pipe Band Associations
The Irish Pipe Band Association
The Dunsire Forum
Piping Press - Rab Wallace's Blog
The Piobaireachd Society
Long Beach Pipe Band
The Misty Isle Pipe Band Redivivus?? Well, no. Jen has even taken down the old website I used to link here. This is what our old band used to sound like just before disbandment.
St.Laurence O'Toole Pipe Band (Republic of Ireland's top band; no one else is even close.)
Pipeline (BBC piping programme, broadcast weekly for 70 some years.)
Comunn na Piobaireachd - piping from New Zealand
The Thousandth Time - a fellow piper from California, a fiddler, entomologist and, not co-incidentally, traditional Catholic. (Yes, all the same person.}
Piping in the Irish Defence Forces -- the official website [You have to scroll down to get the piping text. Assuming they haven't moved it. Again.]
The Two-droned Irish Warpipe -- Dave Gallagher's excellent tribute to the now seldom-seen Irish warpipe {Auugh!! It looks like Dave took it down. I'm leaving the link in memory of one of my favourite sites.}

The Lowland and Border Pipers' Society -- fostering the bellows-blown pipes of northern England and lowland Scotland
The Piper's Gathering -- annual gathering of players of alternative pipes: English, Irish, Breton, you-name-it
Smallpiper -- Vicki Swan explains the bellows-blown smallpipes. Loads of good tunes.
The Morpeth Chantry Bagpipe Museum -- just what it says. And not only cauld wind pipes, but plenty of others, too
The Morpeth Gathering -- a celebration of Northumbrian and border traditions. Lots of Northumbrian small pipes and half-longs
The Northumbrian Pipers Society
The Bagpipe Society -- encouraging all sorts of bagpipe, including the English bagpipe revival
The Uilleann Obsession -- the website for the Southern California Uilleann Piper's Club
Cumann na bPíobairí Corcaigh -- The Cork Piper's Club
. . .But all's to no end,
For the times will not mend,
'Till the King enjoys his own again!
The International Monarchist League
The E.F. Schumacher Society
Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn
Lifesite News
The Constitutional Monarchy Association
The Jacobite Heritage
Irish Royalty
Monarchy Wales
Pobal na hEireann
Chritian Solidarity
American Life League
Inspired by shortwave, but this is, after all, the internet. . . .

Radio Jay Allen
Voice of Russia (a.k.a. Sputnik news agency)
BBC World Service
BBC Radio Scotland
Radio Taiwan International [Republic of China]
Radio Vaticana
Glenn Hauser's World of Radio
Universal Radio - very helpful supplier of all sorts of receivers
On Acquiring a SW Radio

The Strand Magazine
Daily Telegraph (London)
The Jihad Watch
Breitbart - daily news from an American right perspective
Chronicles Magazine
Latin Mass Magazine
California Catholic Daily -- successor to the redoubtable Los Angeles Catholic Mission
Taki's Top Drawer
The Remnant - the principal print source for news and commentary from a traditional Catholic viewpoint in America
Kevin Myers -- outstanding Irish essayist & commentator
Long Beach Press Telegram (the only print source for news about Long Beach or Lakewood in existence . . . alas, since it was bought out by a conglomerate, not much of that left anyway. Instead, you might try . . .
The Long Beach Post; online only and liberal as all getout but it does have some local news.)
The Los Angeles Times (the Los Angeles newspaper monopoly. The box scores are o.k. and the weather reports are sometimes accurate.)
The American Conservative
The Wanderer - reporting what the modernists don't want reported for 150 years, more or less
The Babylon Bee
Well it is. Mostly. Sort of. Look at it this way: if you don't read the actual news, you won't understand The Bee at all. Now I ask you: if that isn't deep into the news, what is?
The American Chesterton Society
A Reader's Guide to Hilaire Belloc
The Hilaire Belloc Blog
Belloc: Readings
Chesterton & Friends
Into the Wardrobe: A C.S. Lewis Website
John Henry Cardinal Newman
Maurice Baring
The Ronald A. Knox Society
Another site for Msgr Ronald A. Knox
Vincent McNabb, O.P. (The Chesterton Review had a special edition a few years ago dedicated to Fr McNabb. Well-worth reading if you can find a copy.)
The Trollope Society
Corpus Thomisticum -- all of Aquinas in one handy website
Holy Resurrection Monastery (Byzantine Catholic monks in Wisconsin)
Thesaurus Precum Latinarum (an on-line Latin prayer book; a rich plum pudding of hidden delights)
The FSSP Parish in Los Angeles (in the Valley and on the other side of the county from me, alas)
St Peter Chanel Catholic Church (probably the best novus ordo parish in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles)
The Oblates of the Virgin Mary (the congregation that staffs St Peter Chanel)
Bl Karl of Austria, Emperor and King. Beatification and canonization site
The Wikipedia site for the Handmaid of God, Zita of Bourbon-Parma
A fervent essay on the Blessed Emperor Karl by Catholic journalist and writer Gary Potter.
EWTN (pictures, sound files, and an enormous library)
Biblia Vulgata
The Knox Bible (that's the Very Rev Msgr Ronald; nothing to do with Rev John, late of Scotland)
Douay-Rheims-Challoner Bible
Bl Titus Brandsma, O.Carm. -- priest, theologian, journalist, mystic, educator, & martyr
Choral Evensong
St Michael's Abbey -- Praemonstratensian Canons of Orange, Calif.

A crowned harp because the blazon of the High King of Ireland -- when he is finally restored -- should include such. It ought to be on St Patrick's blue also, IMHO, but this is as close as I have seen.
Omnium Sanctorum Hiberniæ, All the Saints of Ireland
Trias Thaumaturga, The Three Miracle-Workers of Ireland
Fr William Doyle, S.J., chaplain to the 16th Irish Brigade
Pobal na hEireann (promoting the Irish language, the traditional Roman Rite, and restoration of the High Kingship of Ireland. More lost causes here than you can shake a stick at. I love every one of them. Alas, I haven't seen anything new in a very long time. But one lives in hope.)
Canon Sheehan
Kevin Myers
The Wild Geese
Ireland's History in Maps
Irish Culture & Customs
Architecture Ireland (strange page, a mass of broken link. But scroll down for some interesting, although irrelevant to the page's title, stuff)
Tha Boord o Ulster-Scotch: Leid & Fowkgates
Na Píobairí Uilleann
Irish Import Shop (the best source for Irish food, music, & much else in Southern California)
Ulster Heritage: All Things Ulster
The Irish War Pipe - not nearly as good as Dave Gallagher's former site, but has some good links on its "History" page
The Great Irish Warpipe - an Australian site
The Irish Warpipe -- a 5 page pdf on the history of, you guessed it, the Irish Warpipe

What is Scottish Country Dancing, Anyway?
The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, a.k.a., RSCDS
RSCDS - Orange County, Calif. Branch
RSCDS - Los Angeles, Calif. Branch
RSCDS - San Gabriel Valley, Calif. (Branch still exists but website is kaput at this writing.)
RSCDS - San Diego, Calif. Branch
RSCDS - Edinburgh [Scotland] Branch
"TAC" - The Teacher's Association of Canada
James Scott Skinner
Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary
The Intercity Scot -- the fons et origo of North American Scottish dance information


E-Mail: High praise, recipes, & sources for good reeds may be addressed to:
thesixbells AT verizon DOT net
(after, of course, you close up the spaces, change the "AT" to an "@" and the "DOT" to a "."
Spambots delendi sunt.) (If this looks new to you, you are quite right; the old Tavernkeeper address is no more.)
An address for complaints may possibly be added at some point. In the fullness of time. Le cunamh Dé. Deo volente.
Should you, in fact, decide to drop me a note, it is entirely possible that I may decide to publish it unless you tell me not to. And even if you tell me not to, things do get in something of a muddle here; in a fit of absentmindedness, I might publish it anyway. So discretion is always advisable.
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"Two of the pubs near Oxford which C.S. Lewis frequented were The Trout and The Six Bells.
Some of Lewis's American readers had written him to inquire about his views on drinking
alcoholic beverages. His response to them was in no uncertain terms: 'I have always
in my books been concerned simply to put forward mere Christianity, and am no
guide on these (most regrettable) interdenominational questions. I do however
most strongly object to the tyrannic and unscriptural insolence of anything that calls
itself a Church and makes teetotalism a condition of membership. Apart from the more
serious objection (that Our Lord Himself turned water into wine and made wine the medium
of the only rite He imposed on all His followers), it is so provincial (what I believe
you people call small town). Don't they realize that Christianity arose in the
Mediterranean world where, then as now, wine was as much a part of the normal diet as bread?"
C. S. Lewis: Images of His World by Douglas Gilbert & Clyde S. Kilby
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