Sunday, December 01, 2024

1 December -- 1st Sunday of Advent

The liturgical journey to Bethlehem begins.   I suggest a look at Fr Z's explication of the old Vespers hymn, Cónditor alme siderum which you can find here.  And note that Father has the eminent good taste to provide John Mason Neale's translation, Creator of the stars of night.

So long as you've clicked your way over to the WDTPRS site, you could do a lot worse than spend a couple of minutes with Father's "ADVENTCAzT".

A few years ago some of the Blessed Cardinal Schuster's thoughts on Advent were posted on The Inn here.   My copy of Cardinal Schuster's Liber Sacramentorum (or should that be "copies"?  It comes in five volumes.) is one of my treasures.  It was a gift to me from my friend Carlo a few years before he died.  It's the original English edition, I believe.  If it's of interest to you,  one of the Catholic publishers has reprinted it.  I forget which but it shouldn't be too hard to find, search engines being what they are.

[ADDENDUM:   I looked it up for you.  It's the Arouca Press.  If you go to this page you can order the set.  I noticed that this reprint has a Foreword by Gregory DiPippo, which if his other work at the New Liturgical Movement site is anything to go by, should be well-worth the price of admission.]



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