Thursday, August 31, 2023

Back Again . . . and with bad news, too

“Nothing travels faster than the speed of light, 
with the possible exception of bad news, 
which obeys its own special laws.”
― Douglas Adams, Mostly Harmless
The poor, old Inn hasn't been touched all summer.   We are dealing with some health problems here that take up an unfortunate amount of time along with the usual cares and occupations of daily life, such as trying to get current with all the episodes of Death in Paradise.

But that isn't the bad news I had in mind for this post.  

This is:

And, as always, you can click on it to make it large enough to be legible.

Not sure what Father means by recommending St Michael's Abbey for a substitute Mass.  St Michael's does indeed supply most, if not all, the celebrants of the traditional Mass in this part of southern California.  But that Mass is not celebrated at the Abbey itself.  The community Mass at 11 is indeed in Latin, ad orientem, and chanted with the traditional Norbertine chants.   But it's the Novus Ordo.  At least it always has been.  Perhaps things have changed?

That's the Orange Diocese.   In Los Angeles I have been informed that the traditional Mass at Ss Peter & Paul in Wilmington is for the chop too.  No letter this time.  This was via phone call from a friend of mine.  

I hope we've been misinformed . . . .


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