Thursday, April 02, 2020

Talk About a Remnant

Palm Sunday (April 5): Online Masses - 9AM w/Fr. Baaten; 12PM w/Fr. Bartus; 2PM w/Fr. Alan. At Holy Martyrs in Murrieta at 3PM - "Drive Thru" Distribution of Palms & Confessions and/or Holy Communion.

That is what our pastor is planning for Palm Sunday.  So far as I am aware that is the sum total of the public celebrations of Catholicism available in southern California on Palm Sunday.  According to their websites even the FSSP parish and Fr Perez's lovely little chapel are closed for the duration.

(If you were wondering, no I'm not in Murrieta.  That's two dioceses away.  But our priest is founding three parishes in SoCal and one of them is in Murrieta.  And since he hasn't mastered bi-location yet, Murrieta wins the gold ring.)