Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Please Pass the Geritol

Assorted folk on the media have asked us to look out for the elderly and the disabled.  Make sure they have the supplies they need and so forth.  We don't really have any in our neighborhood.  Mary's aunt uses a wheelchair and lives not too far away but her daughter lives with her and they have regular care-givers.   I could help if needed but otherwise not an issue around here.  I thought.

A couple of days ago the penny dropped.  During the last week three separate neighbors came by to check on us and see if there was anything we needed.   As Pogo might have put it, "We have met the elderly and he is us."

It was really rather pleasant to know that people were thinking kindly of us and willing to risk the market for us.  Of course, that's due to Mary not me; when they were handing out social skills I was probably off in a corner somewhere with a book.  But I didn't take any of them up on it.  I'm still upright and mobile and able to get the groceries, even if begloved and as skittish as the proverbial long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.  You can't ask someone to risk The Virus when you're perfectly capable of getting the groceries yourself now can you.