Sunday, July 01, 2018

A Jacobite Exhibition at the Scottish National Museum

A new exhibition of Jacobite memorabilia. . . alas, not hereabouts in the lower-left corner of the USofA but in Scotland.  I'd love to see it but there's the commute. . . .

The Jacobite cause — as James’s supporters were called — began in 1688, when the Catholic James II was deposed by the Protestant William III. James was a brave soldier (his suit of armour here was the last to be made for a British monarch), but he failed to regain the crown. He left that challenge to his son, James Francis Edward Stuart, or James III. 
As the exhibition shows, the repressive and brutal actions of William and his successors, especially in Scotland, kept the Jacobite cause alive well into the 18th century. The document ordering the Massacre of Glencoe is on display, in all its chilling brevity; “You are hereby ordered to fall upon the rebels, the McDonalds of Glenco, and put all to the sword under seventy . . . This is by the Kings [William III] speciall command.”

More here.
