Friday, August 21, 2015

August 21 -- Our Lady of Knock

Today is the 136th anniversary of Our Lady's apparition in the little town of Knock in the County Mayo . . . and of St  Joseph and St John the Apostle,  too, for that matter.  The day merits the status of feast in Ireland but doesn't seem to get a look-in in this country.

There are a few pages on the net that tell the story, like this one and this one. The shrine itself has its own page here.  

As is often the case, you can click on the picture above to enlarge it and get a better view of the new shrine church.  (I would've preferred Gothic, but I wasn't asked.  What you see above is almost always the sort of thing that gets built in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.  Still, if you visit Knock the old parish church from 1879 is still there and Masses are still celebrated there.  It's a consolation.)

Our Lady of Knock, pray for Ireland and for us.
