Sunday, August 16, 2015

100º fahrenheit

Or thereabouts.  The weather thingamabob on my phone says it's actually only a balmy 94º.  But since it's warmer in here than it is outside (because as you learned long since in this space, the computer room is not air conditioned), I'm going to go with the 100º headline.

And that's why just a few notes for today.

98 years ago this day Fr Willie Doyle, S.J. was killed in France by an exploding shell.  The details of his death are related here.  There are more than a few posts about Fr Doyle in The Inn but this one probably has more about him than  most.

It's also St Joachim's day in the old calendar.  It used to be specially noted in the old Carmelite Rite also.  Here's a bit about Ss Joachim and Anne from St John Damascene:

O blessed couple Joachim and Anne, all creation is indebted to you, for through you we have been enabled to offer to the Creator a gift surpassing every other gift, namely that chaste Mother who alone was worthy of the Creator.  Rejoice Joachim, for of thy daughter a Son has been born to us and he is called the Angel of the great counsel, that is of the salvation of the whole world.  O blessed couple Joachim and Anne!  On a certain occasion Christ said:  " It is by their fruit that you will know them", and indeed it is by the fruit of our bodies that we recognize your own purity.  You ordered your lives in a manner such as was pleasing to God and worthy of her who was to be born of you.  By the chaste and holy fulfillment of your married state you produced the treasure of virginity.

And finally, although I mentioned it a couple of times on FB, I failed to let you know in time that the World Pipe Band Championship was being held last Friday and Saturday.  But all is not lost.  Even if you missed getting up in the middle of the night to hear the competition live-streamed in its entirety, the BBC has had mercy on us and recorded it all and put it on line in whole band segments.  You can find it here.  And -- IMHO, of course -- the production is really well done: outstanding colour, sound, and camera work.  And the piping isn't too shabby either.

And I am now off to the only room in the house with air conditioning, the one the pc is not in.
