Thursday, April 30, 2015

Found While Looking for Something Else

All sorts of folks on Facebook and Twitter inform me every Thursday that it is "Throwback Thursday" and they then proceed to post something from their distant past.  Or somebody's distant past.

Reluctant as I am to participate in popular memes, that nevertheless seems as good an excuse as any to put up something from the 78th Fraser Highlanders Pipe Band's past:  from almost 3 decades ago, one of the most exciting pipe band tracks ever recorded.  The set consists of  The Fair Maid of Barra, The Gold Ring, and The Clumsy Lover.  The track is taken from the "Live in Ireland" album, which album you can still get from iTunes for less than I paid for the double LP album all those years ago.

(Yes, that is Richard Parkes in the picture.  The original poster used a picture of FMM rather than the 78ths.)
