Saturday, July 26, 2014

A Thought from Fr Willie Doyle

You ask how to pray well. The answer is, Pray often, in season and out of season, against yourself, in spite of yourself. There is no other way. What a man of prayer St. James, the Apostle must have been since his knees became like those of a camel! When shall we religious realize the power for good that prayer, constant, unflagging prayer, puts into our hands Did it ever strike you that when our Lord pointed out the ”fields white for the harvest”, He did not urge His Apostle to go and reap it, but to pray?
Fr Doyle was a Jesuit and chaplain to the 16th Irish Brigade in the 1st World War.  There is a movement for his canonisation (not officially begun, so far as I can tell) and a very fine website dedicated to him here.  And he has been mentioned in The Inn a few times, here and here for example.

The thought above is yesterday's "Daily Thought" from the very fine blog, Remembering Father William Doyle.  It's an insight that can't be repeated too often, in my occasionally humble opinion.
