Sunday, January 20, 2013

Two in One Weekend

Stan Musial and Earl Weaver:  two baseball names to conjure with and both gone in one weekend.

Earl Weaver was usually arguing on the wrong side so far as I was concerned.  But he was a vital part of baseball and highly entertaining when they got him in the booth for an interview.

Stan Musial was one of those names from my youth that defined the word hero.  I'm not a follower of statistics, as my friend Gary can tell you.  The boyhood impression has stayed with me that he was one of the unconquerables, like Ted Williams and Joe DiMaggio.  It was a nansecond of a surprise to see in the paper this morning that his lifetime average was "only" 331.   Not 1,000?  Or even 931?   Oh, yeah.  That's right.  He was only human, wasn't he.

From his home-town paper.

Not your average sportwriter.