Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Oh, Bother. . .late again

What with New Year's Eve and all I forgot the Bonnie Prince's birthday, which was, of course, the 31st of  December 1720. 


You're welcome, Charlie Stuart,
 You're welcome, Charlie Stuart,
 You're welcome, Charlie Stuart,
 There's none so right as thou art.

 1. Had I the power, by my will,
 Thy foes to scatter, take and kill,
 I'd make thee famous by my quill,
 From Billingsgate (*) to Duart (*).

 2. Thy sympathising complaisance
 Made thee believe intriguing France;
 But woe is me for thy mischance,
 That saddens every true heart!
You're welcome, Charlie Stuart, etc.

 3. Hadst thou Culloden's battle won,
 Poor Scotland had not been undone,
 Nor butchered been with sword and gun,
 By Lockhart (**) and such cowards.
You're welcome, Charlie Stuart, etc.

 4. Kind Providence to thee a friend,
 A lovely maid, did timely send,
 To save thee from a fearful end,
 Thou royal Charlie Stuart.
You're welcome, Charlie Stuart, etc.

 5. Illustrious prince, we firmly pray
 That she and we may see the day,
 When Britons with one voice shall say,
 "You're welcome, Charlie Stuart."
You're welcome, Charlie Stuart, etc.

 6. Whene'er I take a glass of wine,
 I drink confusion to the swine,
 But health to him that will combine
 To fight for Charlie Stuart.
You're welcome, Charlie Stuart, etc.

 7. Though Cumberland, the tyrant proud,
 Doth thirst and hunger for thy blood,
 Just Heaven will preserve the good,
 The gallant Charlie Stuart.
You're welcome, Charlie Stuart, etc.

 8. The ministry may Scotland maul,
 But our brave hearts they'll ne'er enthral,
 We'll fight like Britons, one and all,
 For liberty and Stuart.
You're welcome, Charlie Stuart, etc.

 9. Then haste, ye Britons, to set on,
 Your lawful king upon his throne,
 And to Hanover drive each one,
 Who will not fight for Stuart.
You're welcome, Charlie Stuart, etc.
