Monday, September 02, 2013

We won't even mention the humidity

[The sun] goeth forth from the uttermost part of the heaven, and runneth about unto the end of it again; and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.
-- Ps 19
Certainly not in this little office and I have the thermometer to prove it.  It was a lovely cool summer this year but now that autumn is in sight, we have the unconscionably hot weather that we are wont to have at this time in the lower left-hand corner of the continental United States.  So I do only the absolutely necessary here in this little office wherein the computer resides and then retire to the computerless library/den, the one-and-only room with an air conditioner.  The den is, of course, not exactly "hid from the heat thereof" but the wee air conditioner is able to maintain a holding action until better times.

So you shouldn't expect too much from here until it cools down somewhat.  But then, if you frequent this little corner of cyberspace, you probably weren't expecting an avalanche of posts anyway.  Mark Shea, I'm not.
