17 November - St Hugh of Lincoln
St Hugh was a Carthusian monk and prior of the first Carthusian house in England. He eventually was elected Bishop of Lincoln. Among other things, he is the patron saint of swans. As the story goes, a white swan at Stowe developed a life-long affection for St Hugh and followed him everywhere, even guarding him as he slept.
The good old Catholic Encyclopædia gives his life here.
A collect:
O God, Who didst endow Thy servant Hugh with a wise and cheerful boldness and didst teach him to commend to earthly rulers the discipline of a holy life: by his intercession, give us grace like him to be bold in the service of the Gospel, putting our confidence in Christ alone; Who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, forever and ever. Amen.-from the Customary of Our Lady of Walsingham
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