Tuesday, February 07, 2012

1st Amendment? What 1st Amendment?

The Obama administration's anti-Catholicism has been much more out in the open of late. You've read about the contraceptive and abortifacient mandate recently no doubt. There has been a lot of interesting commentary. Here's some of it:

First from Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal: “His decision on Catholic charities makes Romney’s big gaffe look trivial. What a faux pas, how inept, how removed from the essential realities of America.” The rest is here.

Michael Gerson in the Washington Post

This one is from the Catholic Bishops' own USCCB, bluntly entitled “White House Misrepresents Its Own Contraceptive Mandate”.

Many individual bishops have had something to say. Here's Bishop Carlson of St Louis

The bishops of Alabama

The Catholic News Agency thinks about the political ramifications.

And note this one from the Telegraph in England citing an anodyne rationale for the decision. I don't think so, and not least because the BO administration doesn't impress me as all that technocratic.


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