Thursday, December 02, 2010

The First Week of Advent

Ad te levavi animam meam. . . .

That's the introit anitphon for the First Sunday of Advent.

We went for our evening walk yesterday after dark to take in the neighborhood Christmas lights and had our annual Christmas decoration debate concerning whether Christmas decorations should be up during Advent.

Herself: Affirmative. As early as possible. As many lights as possible. Christmas is wonderful.

Me: Negative. It's not Christmas yet; it's Advent. Harumph. Christmas decorations should go up for Christmas not Advent.

We continue with variations on the theme, or themes as we are, as we often are, at somewhat cross purposes, until I agree that she's right. Anyone with dimples that cute can't be wrong.

But I'm right, also. (I am vast; I contain contradictions.) Hence the introit antiphon for the first Sunday of Advent.


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