Friday, August 13, 2010

Some Piping for the Weekend

And not just any weekend. It's THE weekend. The World Pipe Band Championships commence with a bang tomorrow. (Well, actually, with a three-beat roll off and a well-timed introductory E.)

And this year you can tune in live via BBC Scotland, 0900 British Summer Time. Alas, on this side of the Atlantic that means getting up anywhere from very early all the way to unspeakably early. Here in the left-hand corner of the U.S., eight and a half miles from the Pacific Ocean, that means one in the Ay Em. The quite literal middle of the night. We may, depending upon how enthusiastic we feel on going to bed, set the alarm. Then again, we may not. Even if we do, there really isn't much hope. If we know us, and we do, what will happen is that that alarm will go off, our groggy, sleep-deprived self will mutter !!#$%&! or something similar, roll over and go back to sleep. Hours later, at a reasonable time, after several mugs of strong tea, we will catch the tail end.

But you could listen to the whole thing. Nothing stopping you. It's Saturday.


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