Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Blogging Studies

Insight doesn't happen to me very often. And when it does, it turns out to be pretty trivial. Finding out why the photos wouldn't download from the camera the other day was an exhilarating insight. But, alas, only to me. And only at the moment. Not really blog-worthy. So you didn't read about it here.

There was almost a post yesterday moaning about the Tea Party movement. We got to 7 or 8 paragraphs, read it over for typos - yes, I do read this stuff over for typos, all evidence in front of you to the contrary notwithstanding - and realized I had nothing to say that wasn't excruciatingly obvious and couldn't be boiled down to one sentence. In short, I had no insight, nothing original to say, and no reason to fill up Blogspot's valuable bandwidth. So you didn't read that here either.

But I did have a flash of insight this morning over breakfast and the Press Telegram. You can decide for yourself whether it counts as trivia. There was a short announcement that some professor would be giving a lecture at the aquarium about something or other of vital interest to all concerned citizens. And the light shone. It came to me: all courses of any sort at any institution of higher learning with the word "Studies" in the title is a scam, i.e., not an intellectual endeavour but either an exercize in ideology and propaganda or an entertainment masquerading as a course of study.

That should be right up there with Joe Sobran's insight that any government activity called a program is unconstitutional.


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