Sunday, July 12, 2009

". . .not even Solomon in all his glory. . . ."

Last Friday the new bag cover for my Irish warpipes arrived from England. The refurbishment is complete and she is now arrayed as she hasn't been since she was new 26 years ago.


You can click on that picture for a bigger and better view.

The bag cover is even nicer than it appears in the picture. The cover is a thick, green velvet. What the picture shows as white criss-crossing lines can be seen in person to actually be fine gold braid. (I tried taking the shot from a couple of angles to get a bit of glint to show up off the braid but couldn't quite manage it.) She's also been outfitted with new green and gold silk cords, a new kangaroo skin bag (hidden by her new raiment), Wygent duotone drone reeds and an old Hardie chanter from the '70s or possibly even the '60s, which sound at a lower, and in my opinion, richer tone than the modern higher pitched chanters.

If you have inferred from this that I am absolutely delighted with the way she is looking and sounding these days, you are correct.

I only hope the Highland pipes don't get envious.


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