Oremus pro Invicem
Last week was rather devastating for Mary. On Monday she learned that Maureen, a good friend of hers, was in hospital after a heart attack on the Sunday prior. On Wednesday a call came that another friend had died suddenly after an evening walk. This was an especially sad case, at least for those who believe as we do, as Joan was a fallen-away Catholic. And on Friday morning Mary got the call we have been expecting since she returned from Ireland, that her mother had died.
There's no death without sadness. But Rosaleen's had for us the great consolation of knowing her own personal holiness. Rosie was a daily Mass goers for as long as she could. And after her health made that impossible, her prayer-life increased. Two hours of prayer in the morning and another hour or two in the evening was not unusual. When she was in hospital, all she wanted - other than to be out of the hospital and back home - was her Rosary.
It's difficult to write about another's goodness. But Rosie radiated goodness. Her kindness and sweet nature were the first things you would notice about her. And her innocence. The connivings and machinations of the world never touched her.
The "valiant woman" in the scripture was renowned for how well she provisioned her household. Rosie could match her in the modern context. She was one of the best cooks in the world. She made wonderful meals out of the simplest ingredients. And woe be tide the merchant who tried to sell her less than perfection. The unsatisfactory will be returned.
If you have a spare moment to breathe a prayer for Rosie and Mary's two friends it would be greatly appreciated. And for my Mary, too. She has called her mother every morning for years now; she'll miss her greatly.
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