Sunday, March 18, 2007

Otherwise. . . .

Otherwise, I don't appear to have missed much during my week and half long hiatus from The Inn and the world of current events. The fabled Motu Proprio still retains its fabled status. Mrs Federline's haircut has faded from the news but the Fox news channel still keeps us fully apprised of the pater/filia status of the late Mrs Marshall's baby, who is acquiring putative fathers at a great rate. The Congress is startled to find political patronage jobs being treated as if they were political patronage jobs. And the Discovery Channel has discovered a tomb with bones in it just in time for Easter. The Discovery Channel claims the bones belong to, among others, Our Lord and Mary Magdalene, who seems to have been buried under an alias. Well. My faith is shattered; I'll never believe another word Dan Brown writes.


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