Monday, January 22, 2007

Let's Take the Blog out for a Spin

The blog has been sitting idle for so long I was afraid the battery would be dead. But so far things seem to be ticking along in proper order. Let's just let it warm up for a while, maybe let the alternator give it a charge, before we take it out on the information superhighway and see how it fares against the Issues of the Day.

While, we're waiting, I might explain that the only thing standing between me and The Inn was guilt. No catastrophes, cataclysms, or calamities. Just guilt. I had a talk to give yesterday and I couldn't attempt to add anything to The Inn without being smitten with the you-really-ought-to-be-working-on-the-talk compulsion. I don't know why that should be, really. I'm always supposed to be doing something else. Like practicing the pipes. After the second incarnation of the Christmas cold I hadn't really touched the pipes for two or three weeks until last week. Not even for New Year's Eve. The lip, the reeds, and the fingers were in desperate shape and the RSCDS's Burns Supper was fast approaching. It was last Saturday, in fact, and you'll be delighted to know it came off quite well. Practicing instead of blogging was a wise decision.

Now, then. What else have we got to talk about?


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