Friday, December 15, 2006

Thoughts on Watching Television

No, sorry, not a Marshall McLuhan post. Not really up to philosophy this morning. More of a TV Guide sort of thing.

For the first time in a very long time -- probably years -- I saw a network news broadcast. And they are still doing it: making news crews stand out in the freezing cold weather to report on something that happened indoors. First they attend a press conference in the press conference room. And then they go out and stand in front of the White House, the governor's mansion, or the police station in the snow, the rain or the fog to sum it up. Is this just to prove to the boss that they showed up or do they think the audience appreciates watching them suffer for their art? In my occasionally humble opinion, I rather think the but-one-thing-is-certain summing up would go over just as well from a well-heated interior shot.


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