Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Christmas Piper

Most years I try to find a Christmas piper. This one is from the Duc du Berry's Book of Hours. This year he has an accompanying verse from "Christmas in Ritual and Tradition" quoting J.J. Jusserand's "A Literary History of the English People" (London, 1907):

“The shepard upon a hill he satt;
He had on him his tabard and his hat,
His tar-box, his pipe, and his flagat;
His name was called Joly Joly Wat,
For he was a gud herdës boy.
Ut hoy!
For in his pipe he made so much joy.
* * * * *
Whan Wat to Bedlem cum was,
He swet, he had gone faster than a pace;
He found Jesu in a simpell place,
Betwen an ox and an asse.
Ut hoy!
For in his pipe he made so much joy.

‘Jesu, I offer to thee here my pipe,
My skirt, my tar-box, and my scripe;
Home to my felowes now will I skipe,
And also look unto my shepe.’
Ut hoy!
For in his pipe he made so much joy.”


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