Thursday, August 24, 2006

24 Augusti Nono Kalendas Septembris. Luna ...

Sancti Bartholomaei Apostoli, qui Christi Evangdlium in India praedicavit; inde in majorem Armeniam profectus, ibi, cum plurimos ad fidem convertisset, vivus a barbaris decoriatus est, atque, Astyagis Regis jussu, capitis decollatione martyrium complevit. Ipsius sacrum corpus, primo ad Liparam insulam, deinde Beneventum, postremo Romam ad Tiberinam translatiun insulam, ibi pia fidelium veneratione honoratur.

Thus the old Roman martyrology for today's feast of St Bartholomew. You can find more on him (and in English!) in the Catholic Encyclopædia here.

This feast day has a lot of resonance in the Carmelite Order. It was on 24 August that St Teresa of Jesus founded the first of the reformed (Discalced) Carmelite convents, that of St Joseph in Avila. Her secretary, nurse, and constant companion was Blessed Sr Anne of St Bartholomew. St Therese of the Child Jesus had a brother who died in infancy on this day. And the Discalced Carmelite tertiary, the Venerable Anita Cantieri's memory is kept on this day. St John of the Cross was proclaimed a Doctor of the Church on 24 August 1926. On 24 August 1997, Pope John Paul II announced for the first time that he would proclaim St Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face a Doctor of the Church.

There are more "connections" but I seem to have lost my little list.

St Bartholomew, pray for us!


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