Thursday, June 29, 2006

In festo Ss Petri & Pauli, Apostolii

Hodie Simon Petrus ascendit crucis patibulum, alleluia:
Hodie clavicularius regni, gaudens migravit ad Christum:
Hodie Paulus Apostolus, lumen orbis terræ, inclinato capite, pro Christi nomine martyrio coronatus est, alleluia! -- Magnificat Antiphon

Today Simon Peter ascends the gibbet of the Cross, Alleluia;
Today the keeper of the Keys of the Kingdom, goes rejoicing to Christ;
Today Paul the Apostle, the light of the whole round world, inclining (his) head, is crowned with martyrdom for the name of Christ, Alleluia!

I haven't been attending to The Inn much this week. It's been in the high 80s and into the 90s with humidity to match and as I point out at least once or twice every summer, this little office has no air conditioning. I do the necessary in here as required however, minding the weblog doesn't come under the heading of "necessary". But today is the feast of one of my patrons, St Peter, so I am obliged to provide a little electronic homage.

An extensive life of St Peter

A shorter life based on the feast

The tomb and relics of St Peter

St Peter's Basilica


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