Monday, November 14, 2005

The Feast of All Carmelite Saints

Both the Ancient Observance and the Discalced Carmelite Orders today keep the feast of All Carmelite Saints. If you had the original of that illustration - and a good magnifying glass - you'd see most of the principal saints of the Order gathered round the throne of Our Lady, Regina et Decor Carmeli. On the left side reading from left to right we see standing St Elias the prophet,"dux et pater ordininis nostri primus", St Brocard, St Andrew Corsini, and St Therese, the Little Flower. Kneeling are St Mary Magdalene de Pazzi and St Simon Stock, a.k.a "St Simon the Englishman". On the right side are St Therese of Jesus (of Avila), St Peter Thomas, St John of the Cross, St Angelus, and St Eliseus the prophet, "dux et pater ordinis nostri secundus". Kneeling are St Albert and St Berthold.

It's a great pity that the Order no longer honours either St Brocard or St Berthold. But that's a whinge for another day.

Here is the old collect which both Orders once used on this day:

Omnipotens et misericors Deus, qui nos omnium Sanctorum Ordinis Beatissimæ Virginis Mariæ de Monte Carmelo annua commemoratione laetificas : concede propitius; ut eorum exemplis et meritis, in jugi tuæ legis meditatione, et perfecta abnegatione tibi soli viventes, ad aeternæ vitæ felicitatem cum eis pervenire valeamus. Per Dominum. Amen.

Almighty and Merciful God, Who rejoiceth us each year on the commemoration of all the saints of the Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel, graciously grant that of their merits and example and in continual meditation on Thy law and in perfect abnegation living solely for Thee, we may merit to arrive at eternal happiness with them. Through Christ our Lord.

Here is the new collect in English (I have no copy of the Latin text. If there is one.):

Lord, may the patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Mother, and the prayers of all the saints of Carmel help us to walk steadfastly in their footsteps, and by our prayers and good works to further the cause of your Church. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.


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