Monday, March 21, 2005

The Federal Court Solution

Those of you who have followed this little corner of cyberspace for a while know that I have tried to keep things relatively "light", in spite of many (equally relatively) serious topics. You probably didn't come here to dwell on the judicial murder of a sick woman in Florida. You may be owed an apology. All I can say is that I find the story fascinating -- in the same sense that the prey is "fascinated" by the cobra about to strike. "Fascinating" in the fear and terror sense. Fear and terror for the woman and for what remains of western civilisation.

Congratulations to the Congress for doing something useful. One can only pray that the trust now placed in the federal courts in justified. At this writing Terri has had no nourishment, not even a drop of water to moisten her lips, for four days.

I suggest again, the prayer to Bishop Sheen noted below.

Mark Sullivan has some fine comments on Terri's case at Irish Elk. There are several; today's are under the March 21 heading. But read on; there are more throughout this past week.


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