Friday, October 01, 2004

St. Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face

Or St. Therese of Lisieux, or The Little Flower, or "The Greatest Saint of Modern Times" as Pope Pius XI called her. However she's called, it's her feast day today in the new rite and in the Carmelite calendar.

EWTN put up a nice site for her centenary in 1997, giving a novena, some pictures, selections from her writings, and a short biography. EWTN hasn't kept a link on their front page and it is a bit difficult to find. But it is still on line. You can find it here.

The town of Lisieux has a website here dedicated to places associated with Therese. Of particular interest are pictures of her home, Les Buissonnets here.

And the movie of her life is released today. . .


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