Monday, August 30, 2004

Save the___!!

Any sentence beginning "Save the. . ." is automatically a hectoring sentence and will instantly incline me to take a pot shot at whatever it is. One exception is the Bolsa Chica Wetlands which I knew and appreciated long before I knew there was a "Save the" movement (or any need for one). Aside from the ecological qualities of the area, it's one of the last bits of "old" PCH left. Long stretches of the drive down the coast used to be very like the Bolsa Chica area when I was a boy. As my dotage races ever closer, that sort of thing seems more important. There should be something left of the old California for other generations to see.

If birds and fish and assorted wild grasses don't have sufficient content for a crusade, how about the apostrophe? A cause for the ages if ever there was one.


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