Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Lent in August

The three penitential seasons: Advent, Lent, and the final few weeks of the baseball season. And not just because the Halos were the width of a holy card (half a game!) away from first place just a moment ago and are now two games back and a game and a half away from the wild card spot. But there's this. And this: "By then, Escobar was gone, and he might not be able to take the ball Sunday at Yankee Stadium." And this. And Bengie Molina with the broken finger reduced to pinch hitting. Sack cloth and ashes aren't even in the running.

Someone said that there's some sort of sporting event going on in Athens that might be worth a look-see. Just as a respite. I don't know. Greece? Doesn't seem likely. They don't even have any winter ball clubs.


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