Wednesday, May 19, 2004

More on the Ancient Irish Pipes

The ones first mentioned here, that is.

Correspondent Maureen O'Brien has found a news story in writing about the 2,000 year old musical instrument(s). The description still sounds like pipe drones to me but perhaps not. The suggestion in the article is that it was something like a pan pipe.

In any event, thank you Maureen. The RTE link that I provided goes away fairly soon. This one should stay up for a while.

(She doesn't mention it, but I presume Maureen is the same Maureen O'Brien who is the proprietress of Aliens in This World, where you may learn any number of interesting things. A short history of warrior nuns, for instance. The sister who used to wield an offensive ruler with such dexterity when you were in the fourth grade had a very long and traditional pedigree indeed.)


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