Tuesday, January 13, 2004

The Epiphany Proclamation

In the traditional Roman Rite the Pontificale Romanum provides that the dates of the moveable feasts for the coming year be proclaimed to the people in each cathedral during the principal Mass of the Epipany. Thanks to a recent posting on a liturgy list to which I belong, this is the proclamation for 2004:

On the Feast of the Epiphany, after the Gospel, the Archdeacon, a
dignitary, or another priest, dressed in a cope, goes to the customary place
where he proclaims the moveable Feasts for the current year as instituted of
old by Holy Church.

Noveritis, fratres carissimi, quod annuente Dei misericordia, sicut de
Nativitate Domini nostri Jesu Christi gavisi sumus, ita et de Resurrectione
ejusdem Salvatoris nostri gaudium vobis annuntiamus.

Dies octava Februarii erit Dominica in Septuagesima. Vigesima Quinta
ejusdem dies Cinerum, et initium jejunii sacratissimae Quadragesimae.
Undecima Aprilis sanctum Pascha Domini nostri Jesu Christi cum gaudio
celebrabimus. Dies vigesima Maii erit Ascensio Domini nostri Jesu Christi.
Dies trigesima ejusdem Festum Pentecostes. Decima Junii Festum sacratissimi
Corporis Christi. Dies vigesima octava Novembris Dominica prima Adventus
Domini nostri Jesu Christi, cui est honor et gloria, in saecula saeculorum.

It is solemnly made known, dearest brethren that, just as we through the
bounteous mercy of God, have rejoiced in the Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
likewise should we proclaim the joy of the Resurrection of this same

The eighth day of February will be Septuagesima Sunday. The twenty- fifth
day of the same month will be Ash Wednesday, marking the beginning of the
most holy Lenten fast. With great rejoicing, we will celebrate the Paschal
Feast of our Lord Jesus Christ on the eleventh day of April. The Ascension
of our Lord Jesus Christ is to be celebrated on the twentieth of May, while
the Feast of Pentecost will be the thirtieth day of May. The tenth day of
June is to be the Feast of the Most Sacred Body of Christ. The twenty-eighth
day of November shall be the First Sunday of the Advent of Our Lord Jesus
Christ, to whom be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen.

This pdf file was also provided at which the text with music can be found. (Thanks to Michael Pearce for the same.)


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