Wednesday, December 03, 2003

"The state of public affairs is not inviting, and I rejoice that we take no daily paper."
-Thomas Arnold, Letter to Sir T.S. Pasley (1839)

The state of public affairs has gotten no more inviting in the intervening 164 years, but we, apparently made of sterner stuff than the Reverend Mr. Arnold, take two daily papers. The Los Angeles Times is necessary for learning of events in the wide world outwith this neighborhood in southeastern Los Angeles County. It also prints fairly decent box scores given the appropriate season. Unfortunately the mighty Los Angeles Times does not deign to report, unless forced to, anything which might occur in the aforesaid southeastern Los Angeles County, it never having forgiven the City of Long Beach for setting up its own "Port of Long Beach" in opposition to the Port of Los Angeles, contrary to the recommendations - not to say the machinations - of The Times and the Chandler family, its quondam owners.

Hence the necessity for the Long Beach Press Telegram, which pays very little mind to foreign carryings on, only reluctantly recognizes Washington, D.C. as having some relevance to local affairs, but will inform us if the Long Beach City Hall burns down or the local K-Mart is affected by the bankruptcy.

Neither one of them is a particularly useful source of moral instruction. So this came as a surprise. Steve Lopez writes about the repulsive Abercrombie and Fitch organization and is not amused. Well done, Mr. Lopez.


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