Tuesday, September 30, 2003

[WARNING: Local Political Rant Follows. May not be suitable for non-Californians or others with real lives and better things to do than follow campaign politics.]

California Politics, a wholly-owned subsidary of Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey Productions

It says here that Ariana Huffington, winner of the Zsa Zsa Gabor Sound-Alike Contest, has decided she doesn't want to be governor of California after all. So, we're down to what now? A measly 120-125 or so possible choices? I even got a flyer promoting the unspeakable Larry Flynt the other day.

More and more it does appear that the voters of this state really are going to elect the Circus Strongman as governor. The really sickening aspect of that is the support he's getting from those who not only promote themselves as conservatives, but make morality a significant aspect of their popular appeal. People like Hugh Hewitt and Dennis Prager who have made radio in Los Angeles listenable, have abandoned not only morality but, so far as I can tell, common sense to get on the "Arnold" celebrity bandwagon. The theory seems to be that "he can win" and Tom McClintock can't. And we mustn't have Cruz Bustamante.

So what if "he can win"? Is he worth having? The "social conservative" aspect that these folks have up to this point claimed is most important now doesn't matter so long as "Arnold" is what they call "fiscally conservative". The "fiscal conservatism" - whatever that is - trumps every other issue it seems. And is he indeed "fiscally conservative"? I wonder how they know what he believes? He doesn't seem much prone to answering questions. And when he or his coterie of celebrities and millionaires do make a statement that drops a bomb, he immediately does a turnabout. What is his real belief on anything? Does he have any real beliefs or does he just want to be elected to office no matter what?

If all these "pragmatic" alleged conservatives quit bellyaching that "he can't win" and actually supported McClintock he could win handily.


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