Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Google Can't Find Any Either

"French military victories", that is. I found this little treat in The Spectator this morning. Here's what you do:

Go to

Type in french military victories.

Click on I'm Feeling Lucky

The "Google" results will say "Did you mean 'french military defeats'?"
And "No standard web pages containing all your search terms were found. "

O.K., it's contrived and a little childish but, as The Speccie also pointed out, "c'est la guerre".

[And, no, I'm not going to pour out any of my little stock of French wine; if you thought so, you lead a peculiarly deluded existence. And I don't eat French fries under any name. Which I'm told the Belgians invented, anyway. There is more to France that Chirac and republican politicians. Vive le Roi.]


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