Sunday, March 09, 2003

The First Sunday in Lent

Invocabit me, et ego exuadiam eum!

According to Parsch (cf. The Church’s Year of Grace, vol. II, p. 99) the formulary for today’s Mass for the First Sunday in Lent is one of the most ancient in the traditional Roman rite. The epistle is 2 Corinthians 6. 1-10 and the Gospel Matthew 4. 1-11. The tract is almost the whole of Psalm 90 (in the Septuagint numbering). Pope Leo I, who died in a.d.450, was already well acquainted with it. None of this remains in the Pauline rite, at least this year, with the exception of one or two chants, which will be replaced anyway by some ditty from "Glory and Praise" (known to choir masters nationwide as "GLOP").


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