Saturday, November 02, 2002

All Souls Day

Mass at St. Peter Chanel this morning was even more crowded than usual. The church holds a little over a thousand people; I would guess on that basis there were 600 to 700 there this morning. Father John gave a beautiful homily on Purgatory, praying for the souls of the dead, and the communion of saints.

From Pius Parsch: The introduction of a day commemorating all the faithful who departed from this life in the state of grace is due to the meek and holy Abbot Odilo of Cluny (d. 1048). In 998 he ordained that the Office of the Dead be said after Vespers on November 1 in all the monasteries of Cluny. This custom was widely imitated and finally officially adopted by the whole Latin Church. All Souls’ day or the ‘Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed’ was raised to its present high rank by Pope St. Pius X. On this day every priest has the right to celebrate Mass three times. The 1955 breviary reform abolished First Vespers of the Office of the Dead after Vespers of All Saints.


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