Saturday, November 02, 2002

3 November

. . .on the traditional calendar is the 24th Sunday after Pentecost. The Mass liturgy of the day uses the chants for the 4th Sunday after Epiphany. In the Pauline rite this is the 31st Sunday per annum.

This is is also the feast of St. Malachy, a 12th century Archbishop of Armagh. He is also claimed as the author of a prophecy indicating all the popes until the end of time. There is no record of its existence until 1595, a good 450 years after St. Malachy's death, and it has been shown to be a forgery many times over.

It is also the feast of St Hubert, an 8th century bishop, of either Tongres or Maastrict depending upon which source you use. He is the patron of hunters. You can see the traditional Mass of St. Hubert beginning the hunting season in France here.

O lumen gentium, memento eorum, qui adhuc in tenebris commorantur,
-oculos aperi cordis eorum, ut te solum Deum verum agnoscant.
Illumina, populum tuum, Domine.


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