Monday, November 11, 2002


. . . .is the feast of the soldier saint, St. Martin of Tours. According to some stories, he was St. Patrick’s uncle.

On this day the Eastern Church celebrates St. Theodore of Studium. One of the greatest figures of the Eastern Church by reason of his virtues, his knowledge, his resistance to the Byzantine emperors, and the persecutions he suffered at their hands. The monastery of Studium, ove which he ruled at Constantinople, had a thousand monks. His works include ascetic writings, poetry, discourses, and hundreds of letters (759-826). –Engelbert’s Lives of the Saints.

Today is Veteran’s Day in the United States and Remembrance Day in the United Kingdom and in many countries of the British Commonwealth. On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918 the treaty was signed ending the Great War, the first world war.


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