I have been remonstrated with (again) for abandoning The Inn. (It's nice to be missed.) But, as always, I never really intended to be gone this long. There was a flurry of funerals at the beginning of the new year and assorted other expected and unexpected odds and ends that needed to be attended to.
Such as?
Well, I finally got a new desk chair. After ten years or so sitting on a small, wooden affair after the original simulated leather executive swivel model broke its main support I finally ponied up the cash for a decent chair. You ought to see this one. I can rare back the back support to almost any angle including full recline and there's a lever that pulls up a foot support. I can nap in this thing.
But naps aren't what occupied the time. It came in a box. A relatively thin box, for a chair. "Oh, no!" I hear you say. "Not 'Some Assembly Required.'”
Oh, yes. Although a more accurate warning would have been, “Three Hours or More Assembly-Time Required, Including Phone Calls to Vendor to Interpret Directions Translated from Brazilian Portuguese into English by Someone Not Fully Conversant with Either.” This is especially annoying when we – the helpful customer support lady and I – finally realize that they have sent along the assembly directions for a different chair.
It's that sort of thing that eats up the day. What I think is going to be a three-step process
(1) Remove chair from box
(2) Place chair in office
(3) Sit Down
instead becomes a project that shoots an afternoon.
So, once more into the breach, dear friend, once more. Will there be more longish breaks? Probably. Tomorrow will be devoted to the dentist so no promises. ( I broke the corner off a front tooth on Friday. I look like half a vampire.)