In the event posterity wants to know what I've been up to.
I missed the traditional Mass on Sunday. No excuse, Sir. Just plain overslept. We had our OCDS meeting that day so I couldn't go to St Therese at 1:00 p.m. and I slept right through the 7:00 a.m. in Yorba Linda. The resulting Novus Ordo was not dreadful. Not ideal and very disappointing compared to the traditional rite. But not dreadful. In fact Fr Ed gave a half hour stem-winder defending the Holy Father against the Diabolical American press. Sort of made it all worth-while.
Monday I played for the opening of a charity golf tournament in the valley. Fortunately, payment does not depend upon the amount of playing I actually do:
+Arise early and get kitted out.
+Do a little preliminary tuning.
+Drive for an hour and a half.
+Arrive and do final tuning; chanter reed has committed suicide during drive; F is flat by several cllicks. Incontrovertibly and irreparably flat. VERY flat.
+Remember Kintail pipes are in trunk of car.
+Say short prayer; test pipe; reeds are singing; all is well.
+Change from brace/boot to ghillie brogue.
+Spend 15 minutes looking for contact person.
+Find contact person; limp to waiting room.
+Spend 45 minutes in waiting room waiting. With foot up.
+Time to go on; test tuning; pipes are solid.
+Play for maybe 5 minutes, probably less (Scotland the Brave, Rowan Tree, and Flowers of the Forest for the fellow who died in whose honour the tourney is held.)
+Get paid.
+Drive home for an hour and a half.
And that was Monday.